Burlesque Dance Tip of the Week!

Creating Muscle Memory

Remembering dance movement can be a tricky thing.  When you attend any type of dance class or learn choreography, you generally work with a mirror to help guide you or the instructor/choreographer to follow.  These provide visual cues that you lose once you hit the stage (or turn away from the mirror).

How to Create Muscle Memory:

The best way to create muscle memory is to feel your body, how it's moving, what muscles are being used to create the movement.  Pay attention to the muscular changes as you transition from one movement to another.  This way you learn by feeling the movement, rather than "copying" it. 

By using this technique you will find that when your mind starts to wonder, your body will take over.

Another additional benefit:  If dancing as a visual art form is new, you may not have yet gotten the understanding in creating the movements powerfully by correct muscular usage.  Or if you haven't received correct training from a knowledgeable instructor, this may not have been a concept in which you have been introduced.  Incorporating stronger muscular movements creates structural strength to your dance steps, and produces a more polished, professional visual picture.

Your Velvet Kitten dance instructor and choreographer, Jana Edele, supplied this burlesque dance tip of the week.