February Weekly Burlesque Class Schedule

Burlesque Body Sculpt

Mondays - 7:00 - 8:00 pm

Saturdays - 1:00 - 2:00 pm

Sculpt your body to a dancer's physique!  Work most all the major muscle groups, build strength and stamina, and improve flexibility and coordination by using classical and contemporary dancers exercises and incorporating burlesque basics dance movement in this tone-and-tease dance class designed by the VK.  Burlesque Body Sculpt is a fantastic, fun, and exciting approach to dance-fitness, toning and strengthening, and getting a head start on your resolutions!  Jana Edele, choreographer and lead dancer for the Velvet Kittens, is the instructor for these classes.


These classes are offered in a four week series.  Drop-in rate per class is $15.00.

$50 (includes one class a week for four weeks);

$85 (includes two classes a week for four weeks)

Members of Verandah Club receive discounted rate of $30 (one class a week) and $65 (2 classes a week)


Please pay at the Verandah Club front desk before class.


What to expect from class:  a warm-up and stretch segment for the first 15 minutes set to upbeat music, followed by some toning and ab work.  The second half of the class is dance choreography targeted to the level of those in attendance.  Learn some of the dances that you see the Velvet Kittens perform on stages all over the DFW area!

What to wear to class:  fitness clothes or leggings and a long shirt.  Avoid shorts without tights or legging underneath or loose clothing, as there is a lot of bending over.  Shoes are not worn in class, but you may wear fitness or dance shoes if you like.

For more information, contact Cara Young, Verandah Fitness Manager:  214.761.7895 or cara.young@hilton.com