Top 10 Reasons to see Sugar Moonlight :: Number 4

Our new burlesque show, Sugar Moonlight: A Classic Burlesque Revue, opens THIS Thursday (May 7th). Everyday we're posting a new reason why we think you should brave a Thursday night and see Sugar Moonlight. (We're on number 4…check our older entries for 5-10…we've been counting down the 10 days before show date…as if you really need 10 reasons!)

Of course, it is the Velvet Kittens, the "It Girls of Burlesque," but we have some friends that make our show oh-that-more-spectacular! We are some lucky gals!


Number 4: The Shish Boom Band

We've talked about the music, the genius behind the pickings, but have we really talked about our band? Our A-M-A-Z-I-N-G band?? Oh, let's do.

Our band consists of an upright bass, guitar, drums, and sax. Every night these incredible musicians will be providing the music behind this brilliant burlesque showcase! They get us moving…and we bet they'll get you moving too! To hire in our fabulous, sensational house band…go to

You can borrow them on occasion, but every Thursday night…they are ours, baby!
