Meet Our Newest Kitten: Lexi

photo by: J Eddington Photography

If you’ve been to our last two shows, you probably noticed that we have a stunning new addition to our troupe of gorgeous Kittens. Her name is Lexi and you can find out more about this sultry model and dancer here.

What made you want to be a Velvet Kitten?

I have always been intrigued with the art of burlesque dancing as well as it’s rich history. As a trained dancer, I have dabbled in many different styles of dance and I felt that this was the right time in my life to delve into the world of burlesque. I had heard of The Velvet Kittens and about their amazing style as well as the high caliber of entertainment in their shows. As luck would have it, I stumbled across The Velvet Kittens website and I was completely hooked!

What was your audition like? Were you nervous?

My audition was actually a really fun experience. However, before I arrived at the audition I was very anxious because I didn’t know how personable or receptive the Kittens would be towards me. Once I arrived, I was able to put my worries at bay. They were all very encouraging, it was such a positive experience.

What is your previous dance history?

I began my dance training at the tender age of three at a local dance studio. Growing up,
I trained in ballet and tap, however my main focus was jazz. When I started high school, I auditioned for my school’s dance team. We trained and performed mostly jazz, hip hop, contemporary and musical theatre style dances. Once I graduated high school, I went on to Texas Tech University to continue my education by minoring in dance. I received ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, contemporary, musical theatre, and thrash training. I then took my studies to The University of Texas at Arlington where I also minored in dance. At UTA I studied many of the same styles of dance, as well as choreography and the history of dance, which I have always found very interesting. While I attended UTA, I became a member of the UTA dance team. While on the dance team, my training focus was mainly jazz and hip hop. I also had the amazing opportunity to train with LA Dance Force during my time at UTA. During my college years, I also was a dance instructor at a local dance studio, which actually taught me to see the art of dance from a different perspective. I had always been the student, so it was actually very eye-opening to be on the other side of the fence. After college, I moved on to choreographing, as well as dancing in some hip hop music videos. I absolutely love being a Velvet Kitten because it allows me to entertain others, which is my passion in life!

Before you auditioned, you came to see the Velvet Kittens perform. What was that like?

I was completely awestruck! I felt like I was watching a Vaudevillian show. It was amazing and completely intriguing.

How did you feel at your first performance?

Very excited! I was ready to make my debut!

What made you choose Lexi as your stage name?

Well first of all, you’ve gotta love a name that rhymes with “sexy”. Also, I think that the name Lexi is versatile, it’s a modern-day name with a vintage quality about it.

What do you bring to the troupe that is unique to you?

I feel that when I dance, I draw my emotion and my passion from my personal life experiences. I think that this definitely brings a unique and diverse quality to my performances. I also draw inspiration from burlesque dancers of the 1940s, such as Ann Corio, Lily St. Cyr, and Gypsy Rose Lee. I think that a lot of my emotion during my performances has a 1940s feel to it.

For the fellas: boxers or briefs?

Actually, I like boxer briefs.

Are you dressing up for Halloween this year?

Yes, I love dressing up for Halloween! This year I am going to dress up like Marie Antoinette.